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Cognitive-perceptual training

Cognitive-perceptual rehabilitation addresses the impairments, functional limitations, and disabilities that result from a deficit in cognition or perception. Cognition refers to the mental processes of comprehension, judgment, memory, and reasoning. Perception is part of the cognitive process, and is characterized by the conscious recognition and interpretation of sensory stimuli for knowledge or motivation of action.

Cognitive and perceptual rehabilitation is indicated when a patient or client presents with deficits in these areas during the medical, physical therapy, or occupational therapy assessment. Difficulties may appear in equilibrium and vestibular functions, automatic postural reactions, fine and visual motor performance, motor planning abilities, and/or sensory integration. The individual may remember events incorrectly and have difficulty perceiving new information. In addition, he or she may have inappropriate responses to sensory input due to deficits in sensory processing.

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